Posts Tagged ‘Transformation’

“Pictures speak a thousand words”

Continuing from my last post, I can only say so much about the effectiveness of the whitening / brightening products I’ve used to fade my acne scars. But without proof, they kinda sound like empty words and promises.

So here’s the reveal!

As I’ve explained previously on my Pilot post, My Dermatologist and my Skin Profile, I’ve been battling teenage acne up till now that I am 25 years of age. Visiting my trusty dermatologist to clear the acne with oral meds and simple skin care can only do so much, clear the acne. But my complexion remained oily on my T-zone but dehydrated on my cheeks, my face was ridden with blackheads & whiteheads (constant battle!) and full of visible acne scars – reminder of my ignorant days of being lazy with skin care and sun protection.

I’ve decided to turn things around by visiting my dermatologist in mid-January 2012 and diligently intaking the oral meds (Oratane – Roaccutane) as prescribed. I’ve been vigilant with my skin care and using sunscreen whenever there’s sun exposure.

Here is a collage of my acne scars back in 2011.

Acne ridden in 2011

View my skin transformation after my first visit to Dr. Loke on my Pilot entry.

Here’s a collage of the faded acne scars and generally clearer complexion on June 2012, half a year later.

6 months later – June 2012

During the first half of 2012 I was using these products for my face care:

Finally, the big reveal of my current complexion on November 2012, when I’ve just got my haircut =P

Wrap Up: November 2012

I’ve been using the toner, milky lotion and serum from Naruko’s Apple Seed & T-Acid line, which I must say was quite effective to address my main skin concern – fade acne scars. Whitening / brightening effects as well as a more even skin tone as are icing on the cake to me. I have to point out that I have no freckles / sun spots / hyperpigmentation so I cannot comment on those accounts.

I turned 25 on September 2012 and I don’t have fine lines yet and I’m very thankful for that. So far, my visible lines are on my forehead (as I am very comically expressive and maybe I frown a lot when I’m stressed) and I have quite deep lines on my mouth area when I smile.

My cheeks are chubby (that’s not sagging skin y’all!) and no I do not intend to use anti-aging: anti-wrinkle or lifting/firming skin care until I am at least 35 years old which is a decade from now!

My eyes are generally not puffy, but I do have dark circles whenever I am not well rested due to lack of sleep (I blame clubbing on the weekends) or stress (work, work, work).

My main concern for now is to maintain my complexion generally acne and blemish free (oil control & blackhead removal products), as well as to constantly strive for a more even skin tone and less visible acne scars (whitening / brightening products).

I have combination oily skin and I am still young, hence I am not that fond of products that only hydrates without added benefits and I am not into anti aging yet.

As I wrap up my acne scars progress report 2011-2012, I hope that with proper skin care, I can maintain my clear complexion and youthful look for as long as possible =)

PS: The photos are taken with my iPhone 4 Camera, self portraits are in original form (not HD). I added watermarks using free app Decopic then I crop or add free primitive film emulsion borders courtesy of free app Photoshop Express. The photos are un-edited nor retouched in any way.

Hello everybody!

When I started my first job as a Marketing Executive for a local distributor in the Aesthetics industry (back in November 2011, upon graduating from Singapore Management University with a Bachelor of Business Management degree) , it was only a matter of time until I discover a new-found interest, which I have consequently become very passionate about: SKIN CARE.

I have always been into grooming and fashion, an avid reader of men fashion magazines and blogs, but I just don’t have the disposable income $$$ to purchase high-end branded luxury goods and blog about them.

Blogging about my daily outfits crossed my mind too but there’s only so much I can play around with – as a guy living in hot and humid tropical Singapore (as opposed to living in a four-seasons country: thus, no fancy winter coats, scarfs and boots, sadly).

Job hazard primarily I guess, that really piqued my interest in skin care and pretty soon I embarked on a journey to strive for better skin and there’s no looking back ever since.

In the past, my very-minimal skin care was treating acne by seeing a dermatologist, taking prescribed oral medications and basic skincare (facial wash, acne lotion and spot treatment). When I cleared up (usually by a month of medication), I became lazy, using only the facial cleanser and that was it.

Maybe I would stay clear for 6 months plus with continued use of the oral medications before my skin became very dry, by then I would stop the oral meds. Then the acne would come back again, zits popping up here and there, one gone another showed up at a different spot. It’s a vicious, never-ending cycle that after a while, I just completely gave up and stop my “skin care” altogether.

As I began to age (once you pass 25, gravity and aging takes over – sad fact!) I now have ACNE SCARS = brown spots (leftover from my previous acne due to the sinful habit of popping the zits) and enlarged open pores, especially on my nose (from vigorously squeezing out stubborn blackheads), bumpy texture plus dull and uneven skin tone.

This is my pic when I just started work, before I went back to see my trusted dermatologist (pre any skin care except for face wash).

Taken in December, 2011: My oily complexion is full of active red zits, clogged pores (blackheads and whiteheads alert!) bumpy skin texture and uneven skin tone 😦

This my pic back in March 2011 after 1 round of oral medications as prescribed by my dermatologist (long detailed post to come!) in addition to taking much, much better care of my skin.

Taken in March, 2012: Much better complexion, no more active zits, although still left with leftover brown acne spots, still clogged pores (especially my nose! damn you stubborn blackheads and whitehheads), deep wrinkles in my forehead and uneven skin tone. But overall, cleaner and clearer complexion!

The before and after pictures DO NOT LIE (totally unedited!), and when I saw those results, SKIN CARE shot straight to the top of my priorities!

So stay tuned as I chronicle my skin care & grooming transformation here…